How to develop a library compatible with CommonJS and ESM: exports field


Caution ⛔️

  • I worte this post more than 1 years ago.
  • Everyone has a shameful past.

This is an article I wrote for the Toss technology blog, where I am currently employed. Original link (Korean)

In the Toss Frontend Chapter, we continuously move repeated code into libraries to improve development productivity. As a result, we are currently maintaining more than 100 libraries.

Since Node.js 12, a new module system called ECMAScript Modules (ESM) has been added, alongside the existing CommonJS module system (CJS). This means that libraries now need to support both module systems.

At Toss, we support this through the exports field in the package.json. Let's take a closer look at each module system and the exports field.

Two Module Systems in Node.js

Node.js has two module systems: CommonJS (CJS) and ECMAScript Modules (ESM).

CommonJS (CJS)

// add.js
module.exports.add = (x, y) => x + y;

// main.js
const { add } = require("./add");

add(1, 2);

ECMAScript Modules (ESM)

// add.js
export function add(x, y) {
  return x + y;

// main.js
import { add } from "./add.js";

add(1, 2);
  • CJS uses require / module.exports, while ESM uses import / export statements.
  • The CJS module loader works synchronously, while the ESM module loader works asynchronously.
  • Therefore while ESM can import CJS, the reverse is not possible because CJS does not support Top-level Await.
  • Additionally, the two module systems have different default behaviors, making them difficult to be compatible.

Why Support Two Module Systems?

Why should we support two module systems that are challenging to make compatible? Why not just choose one? Why does Toss consider this important?

Toss actively uses Server-side Rendering (SSR), so we should support CJS for Node.js environment.

Module system support also relates to performance in the browser environment. In the browser, rapid page rendering is important and especially JavaScript is one of the resources that stops the rendering during loading.

Therefore it is important to reduce the size of JavaScript bundles, to minimize the time rendering is interrupted. To do so, Tree-shaking, the process of eliminating unnecessary and unused code, is essential.

CJS makes tree-shaking challenging, while ESM makes it more straightforward.

CJS allows to dynamically use require / module.exports:

// require
const utilName = /* dynamic value */;
const util = require(`./utils/${utilName}`);

// module.exports
function foo() {
  if (/* dynamic condition */) {
    module.exports = /* ... */;

Therefore, CJS is challenging to apply static analysis during build time, so module relationships are only determined at runtime.

On the other hand, ESM enforces a static structure, disallowing dynamic values in import path and restricting use of exports to the top-level scope:

import util from `./utils/${utilName}.js`; // Not allowed

import { add } from "./utils/math.js"; // Allowed

function foo() {
  export const value = "foo"; // Not allowed

export const value = "foo"; // Allowed

This allows ESM to perform static analysis during the build, making tree-shaking easier.

Given these considerations, Toss decided to maintain libraries that support both CJS and ESM.

Determining If a File Is CJS or ESM

With the two module systems and the need to support both, how can we determine whether a .js file is CJS or ESM? This is done by looking at the type field in package.json or the file extension.

  • The module system of a .js file is determined by the type field in package.json.
    • The default value of the type field is "commonjs", interpreting .js as CJS.
    • Another option is "module", where .js is interpreted as ESM.
  • .cjs files are always interpreted as CJS.
  • .mjs files are always interpreted as ESM.

TypeScript also applies the same rules when the moduleResolution option in tsconfig.json is set to nodenext or node16, starting from 4.7.

  • When the type field is "commonjs", .ts files are interpreted as CJS.
  • When the type field is "module", .ts files are interpreted as ESM.
  • .cts files are always interpreted as CJS.
  • .mts files are always interpreted as ESM.

package.json's exports field

Now we have understood the differences between CJS and ESM, like how to set the default module system for a package, and how extensions work.

But how can a single package smoothly provide both CJS and ESM?

The answer is the exports field. What problems does the exports field solve, and what is its role?

Package Entry Point Specification

By default, the exports field does the same role of the main field in package.json. It allows specifying the package's entry point.

Subpath Exports Support

In the previous filesystem-based approach, accessing any JS file within a package was possible, and the actual location of the files and import path could not differ.

// Directory structure

require("package/a"); // Not allowed
require("package/modules/a"); // Allowed

By using the exports field and making imaginary subpath, the import path can differ from the actual location of the files:

// CJS package
  "name": "cjs-package",
  "exports": {
    ".": "./index.js",
    "./a": "./modules/a.js"
// Imports ./modules/a.js, not ./a.js

// Error
// ./b is not specified in the exports field.

Conditional Exports Support

In the past, making a Dual CJS/ESM package was challenging due to filesystem-based operations.

With the exports field, you can use the same import path to provide different modules based on specific conditions:

  "name": "cjs-package",
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "require": "./dist/index.cjs",
      "import": "./esm/index.mjs"
// In CJS environment
// Imports ./dist/index.cjs
const pkg = require("cjs-package");

// In ESM environment
// Imports ./esm/index.mjs
import pkg from "cjs-package";

Writing the Correct Exports Field

To correctly write the exports field for a Dual CJS/ESM package, there are some points to consider:

Use Relative Paths

All paths in the exports field must start with . representing relative paths:

// X
  "exports": {
    "sub-module": "dist/modules/sub-module.js"

// O
  "exports": {
    ".": "./dist/index.js",
    "./sub-module": "./dist/modules/sub-module.js"

Use the Correct Extension Based on the Module System

When using conditional exports, you must use the correct extension based on the module system that the package follows(the type field in package.json):

  • For CJS packages:
// ESM must specify .mjs
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "require": "./dist/index.js",
      "import": "./dist/index.mjs"
  • For ESM packages:
// CJS must specify .cjs
  "type": "module",
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "require": "./dist/index.cjs",
      "import": "./dist/index.js"

Not following this rule and using .js for all extensions may lead to unexpected behaviors. Let's consider a scenario:

  • cjs-package is a CJS package.
    • Because its type field is set to "commonjs".
  • ./dist/index.js is a CJS module.
  • ./esm/index.js is an ESM module.
  "name": "cjs-package",
  "type": "commonjs",
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "require": "./dist/index.js",
      "import": "./esm/index.js"

In CJS environment, requiring cjs-package works fine because ./dist/index.js is a CJS module and the extension is .js, so the CJS Module Loader is used:

// Works fine.
// Imports ./dist/index.js with CommonJS Module Loader.
const pkg = require("cjs-package");

However, in ESM environment, importing cjs-package leads to an error. Because ./esm/index.js is an ESM module but the extension is .js, so the CJS Module Loader is used:

// Error occurs.
// Reads ./esm/index.js with CJS Module Loader.
import * as pkg from "cjs-package";

TypeScript Support

In the past, TypeScript also works based on filesystem:

// Imports ./sub-module.d.ts
import subModule from "package/sub-module";

But starting from 4.7, the moduleResolution option now includes node16 and nodenext, which make it find Type Definitions based on the exports field and distinguishes between CJS TypeScript (.cts) and ESM TypeScript (.mts).

  • For CJS packages:
// ESM TS must specify mts
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "require": {
        "types": "./index.d.ts",
        "default": "./index.js"
      "import": {
        "types": "./index.d.mts",
        "default": "./index.mjs"
  • For ESM packages:
// CJS TS must specify cts
  "type": "module",
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "require": {
        "types": "./index.d.cts",
        "default": "./index.cjs"
      "import": {
        "types": "./index.d.ts",
        "default": "./index.js"

What happens if these rules are not followed? Let's consider a scenario:

  • esm-package is an ESM package.
    • Because its type field is set to "module".
  "name": "esm-package",
  "type": "module",
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "types": "./index.d.ts",
      "require": "./index.cjs",
      "import": "./index.js"

In this case, attempting to require esm-package in .cts (CJS TypeScript) results in a type error because esm-package only supports ./index.d.ts, which is interpreted as ESM TypeScript:

// index.cts

// Type Error: esm-package is identified as an ES module that cannot be synchronously imported.
// This error occurs because .d.cts for CJS TypeScript is not supported.
import * as esmPkg from "esm-package";


Recently, libraries at Toss have been deployed with the correct exports field. They not only support CJS/ESM JavaScript but also TypeScript seamlessly.

While the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem continues to evolve, libraries that support TypeScript well are still challenging to find, even among well-known ones.

So, why don't we become the starting point for this change? Toss always welcomes those who want to solve such technical challenges together. We want to contribute to building a thriving ecosystem together.
